My 1st day of work can be described in 3words... Motivating & Interesting... =p
Hmmm this morning reached office slightly late @ 9.10am coz the mrt was having some problems.... I REALLY LEFT HOME AT 8.10am....... but nvm the keyholder named clara was even later... she reached at 9.30am hence i actually had to wait outside the door with the MD till she arrives... such irresponsibility yucks.... alright maybe i was biased of her right frm the start i felt she disliked me.... Although its common for pp tt dunno me well to dislike me in the beginning (coz i have an arrogant face - comments made by frens after they know me better) hahahahha.... My office total staffs only 5guys & 1gal excluding me.. & the gal must be enjoying all the attention before i came.. hahahaha (maybe tts why she dislikes me for being hmmm slightly prettier...opps...juz jking) well i cant stop pp frm talkin to me leh & i'm friendly........ hahahahah....
As it was only the 1st day of work, there was nth much i could do... Hence all i did was nua..... Adam Khoo's winning program is their famous ''I AM GIFTED SO ARE YOU'' & tdy happen to have 1 of those classes..... being bored & nth better to do i decided to sit in & see if i can become more intelligent after the class... lol woah all i can say is the class is damn motivating... Benjamin Ong is damn cool.... lets call him BONG frm nw on lolx... woah BONG can make the class damn motivating & it actually made me think....
1. What do i wanna achieve in life??
2. How far will i go to achieve it??
Character & Beliefs will actually path the future & hmmm shall start doing my success chart & weekly schedule lolx.... I wanna succeed in life.. start young (I'M YOUNG.. although BONG intro me as ''the older lady here''...) I attended the class with a grp of sec 3 & 4 ma obviously i'm
slightly older...
The typical example that we should start young.. Everyone has an ability to succeed & do well in life... Provided you know wad you wan...~~~~By:

*in what way do i look arrogant right..?? lolx =p
Hmmm tdy although i'm physically opposite RH i can still feel them... hahahaha they told me JH & SQline happen to be off together hahahaha... angie became kinda sian without JH & sat down the whole day till she felt the ''suan suan'' feeling in the butt cheek hahahaha... oh yea ytd angeline ''zi dong'' said hi to our contact centre's shuai ge nicholas hahahahha... opps so scandalous.... haahahhaha....
*off to watch drama...* before angie & angeline walks over to novena sq to kill me tml.... haahhahaa...