angie said maybe his back view + wears a cap that completely covers his face..maybe abit... (in this case, any tom dick or harry also looks like leh...)
doesnt have to look like jay to be handsome its the heart that's more impt... in the forum some said jay isnt handsome which i agree to some extent... wang li hong is indeed more handsome hahahaha... jay's just talented... hmmm but even if tim doesnt look like jay i'll still love him... my uncle loves to ask me ''where's ur jay chou??'' pengx.... why is he so skinny.. hahhaha coz i ate all his food.... lolx..........Wednesday, April 30, 2008
i'M dRaWinG unWaNted aTTeNtiON aGaiN...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Let's start with the job interview... I went chinatown as early as 1030am for a marketing job interview... The place hmmm nt impressive..... The people hmmm nt impressive... The managing director is considered the most shuai liao... his name GX... hahhaa... 1st time experience interview 3person @ 1 go..... my competitors were an indian woman (MASTERS with 8yrs of experience) & my sec sch ''fren'' - (very weird encounter shall elaborate later) currently pursuing Diploma... so i came out and told my ''fren'' cfm eliminated the indian is MASTERS leh... hmmm so i went hm to SLP... while slping the MD called.. ask me go for 2nd round interview..
GX: hw u think u fared this morning''
ME: quite badly coz the competitor is MASTERS leh...'
GX: aiyo dun so negative ma.. i'm gg to tell u a gd news nw....
ME: what??
GX: u're shortlisted for another round of interview
ME: *STUNNED* hahaha so being kpo i asked him..... ''u called me only or called all 3??''
GX: call you only.. gt to wear a comfy pair of shoes hor..
ME: huh?? oh okie lo.. haha see u on fri.. 2may...
hahahaha i'm excited.....
ok nw abt my ''fren'' called WL....... he was frm my sec sch... BUT BUT BUT nv talked with him thruout my 4yrs there... coz i'm frm Express & he's NA (i'm nt looking down leh.. juz no chance to talk)... then many years passed....... WL used the facebk ''FLIRT'' feature to say hi... hahaha but he din noe i was frm NVSS (maybe coz i looked really diff...) then we talked on msn OCCASIONALLY.... guess wad i saw him during my interview lo... such a coincidence... lolx...
~my new eyelashes glue from Pehhoon~ shall try tml... hahaha
Tml shall be bringing my grandma to revenue hse for jap food & on the way deliver clothes to my colleagues.... hmmm den go TTSH for medical appt... after tt will be gg bugis my jiemeis for steamboat to celebrate serene's bdae... i'm excited hahahaha....
i'm gg to do maths exam papers liao............... sibei sian........ maths is killing all my excitement & happiness.............. may god bless me.............
Monday, April 28, 2008
~i feeL aCcoMpLiShmEntS....~
~it exploded before i opened it leh...~
Sunday, April 27, 2008
i'm sTaRting to LovE jaY cHou... lolx...
Well Winnie gave me a link of a jay-lookalike fren of hers which hmmmmmm i seriously.......... dun think he looks like jay at all..... no offence..... everyone is supposed to be borned unique.... u guys judge urself la.. hahaha
c=48]dArk_aNgeLzz.....[/c] says:
look like jay meh
[c=48]dArk_aNgeLzz.....[/c] says:
yi dian dou bu xiang hAo mah
[c=48]dArk_aNgeLzz.....[/c] says:
er xin
so i said i'll post a pic that looks like jay here hahahaaha... i know all eyes are nw on *HIM* nt me but NVM........... lolx...
~my fav pic coz i seldom look cute...~ 070707
Sometimes we shld treasure & cherish things when they are in front of us coz some opportunity doesnt knock twice & most of the time we'll nv be able to turn back time... hmmm i'm gg to study nw..... hahaha..... 10days to exams....... WTF~~~~~~~~~~
Friday, April 25, 2008
~a pLeasant sUrpRise~
it shld be vandalised (sweetly) when i left my books in his car just to go chill with michie lolx... hmmmm my FR's notes are with him nw... hahahha shld i be hoping for some more interesting pleasant surprise??? heheh...
i'm missing you~~~ silently waiting for 10june (the last day of my exams) then i'll have more time to acc frens & *YOU*........... thanks for accomodating... muacks....
Thursday, April 24, 2008
~dO nOt loOk @ tHings aT faCe vaLuE...~
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
~it dOesnt pAy tO bE kINd..~
There are only 4 kinda pp in existence.. 1st is the super rich & humble type... 2nd is the rich & stuck up type.... 3rd is the poor & humble type & lastly would be the POOR YET STUCK UP type... in my job i mainly deal with the last type..... reason being they have a low income hence most sg gals wont wanna marry them hence they gt to marry foreigners & marrying foreigners will need income tax accessment & less then $22k no declaration required... for god's sake no declaration where to find NOA... damn....... i hate dealing with retards especially those tt speaks damn slang mandarin..... argh.... sometimes i'm kind enough to explain but it pissed me off when they cant understand after explaining the same thing 5x....
today i saw alaine wearing an exactly same dress that i bought online.. hmmm angie asked me hw cm she wear till so funny... wah liew i've really no idea..... hmmm i think i'll wear tt dress to office tml lolx... my last day of wk for the mth of apr & may.... hahaha.. cool right???
i love staying at hm.. jus to rot... watch drama... do my online shopping etc... but i really HATE the tension.... esp with my brother... his fucked up attitude gets on my nerves.. PS. when u need help BE HUMBLE.... when u need things done for u SAY PLEASE.... when u wanna borrow things ASK PROPERLY... pls note there isnt anything wrong in not lending MY STUFFS esp NEW things i've nt even removed the price tag....
Monday, April 21, 2008
~wEddiNgs FAQ...~ lolx...
Follow the steps below, god realli makes a miracle
1. Firstly, show your palm, centre finger bend and put together back to back
2. Secondly, the rest 4 fingers tips to tips).
3. Game begins by putting ur hands in the following arrangement, 5 finger but only 1 pair can split at a time..
5. Next, close up your thumb, then open your index finger, this finger represent siblings, they will have their own family which is also why they will leave us one day
6. Now close up your second finger, open up your last finger, this represents your children. Sooner or later they too will leave us for they'll have their own life to lead
7. Nevertheless, close up your last finger, try to open your 4th finger which we put our wedding ring, you will be surprise to find that it cannot be open at all. Because it represent husband and wife, this whole life you will be attach to each other
Saturday, April 19, 2008
~sEntOsa + jIemEis oUtiNg~
~unbelievable $6.90 laksa...~
sentosa wasnt as fun as expected... i wasnt as burnt as i expected too.. lolx... jus a minor hiccup coz i missed applying it in front (the last time i had a burnt back & shoulder so i focused on the back only) hence ended up my front is abit..................................... lolx...
next would be partyworld-ing with jiemeis...
~me & katherine..~
pengz nw den i realised i din take pic with yingyu... nvm next time lol... dinner was supposed to be seoul garden but waiting time was 30min.. pengz.... so we decided on pizza instead...
~my fav...~ pizza of the pizza lolx...
Recently i'm under pressure... studies is my priority.... yet timmy couldnt understand... talking to him doesnt help... i thought we have our 3yrs plan... i will get married only at the right time to the right person.. trying to make the best out of things yet was being reprimanded as being fussy... i enjoy freedom... i'm nt ready to settle down... in fact the truth is i'm afraid i cant be a gd wife... hw can i be a gd wife when i cant even be a gd gf??? i cant cook well.. i HATE doing hsewk... argh...
在你的世界里我像是永远的公主, 我也像只被困在笼子里的小鸟, 想要飞但飞不出来。。。
Thursday, April 17, 2008
~aNotHer dAy @ hOmE~
Pehhoon: ask my hubby and his colleagues around, no one knows him eh..
ur bf can meh? =P
hah i bought tanning oil tdy... hopefully i'll have a nice tan tml.... pls pray for me it doesnt rain.......I've finished ''Bull Fighting'' very sweet ending as usual... hahah gg to chiong my studies now....
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
~ tHe sToRy oF 累与冷 ~
Guess who i saw tdy... ADAM CHEN frm mediacorp @ around 4.53pm.... he was sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME yet i didnt realise (coz was dealing wif a chimpanzee holding a LA of a monkey)... the chimpanzee forced me to display poor customer service... he told me 5x his boss faxed the new LA & did every single thing tts attention seeking.. damn pissed... back to ADAM CHEN hahahah he's nt as shuai as on tv leh.. much shorter then i thought... and yea i talked to him for abt 30secs to process his payment hahhaha..
joke of the day was frm angie.... when she asked me to ask ADAM CHEN ''hw it feels like to be killed by the car.. shuang anot...?'' (his latest show as ma zhigang on channel8 was killed by a car)
In case u guys dunno who ADAM CHEN is...
i'm off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........... tml gt to be earlier then angie if nt i'll have to treat burger king breakfast hahahaha..... i'm turbo tired no thoughts to blog liao.... =p
Monday, April 14, 2008
~a pEak pEriOd tt's eNouGh tO kiLL mE...~
~super far view but can tell its super crowded~ Credits to Angie...
~the average waiting time of pp waiting to see us hahaha...~
As i thought the day was killing me, I was walking home @ a super robotic speed..... BUT as i reached home the 1st thing i saw was
a super big parcel of CLOTHES...lolx...
but i was too hungry so it hindered my excitement to open up the parcel hahaa.. den after dinner, my battery charged so here it is.................... lolx.....
~ 战利品。。。~ NOT ALL MINE..
the next gd news will be the budget 2008 money will be credited this 30apr... lolx.. just nice to repair the damaged done to my wallet hahahaha... i'm gg to chiong my drama then get ready to fight more taxpayers tml... i'm nt gg wear nice nice liao la.. coz end of the day also become super messy lolx... like angie... hahahhahaha.....
Sunday, April 13, 2008
~famiLy dAy~

~thai watermelon... abt the size of my hands only...~
~the normal watermelons vs small melon...~ hahaha..
~dinner time~
~bro's teriyaki chicken & salmon..~
~my steak...~
~currently watching..~
Now @ episode 8... hahaha i'm still studying hard but it's a form of relaxation for the tired brain... Another of the taiwan romance idol drama...
Hmmm i cant seem to remember my INL password (my password to access my office computer)... I've no idea where is my staff pass... I've no idea what to wear to the office tml... hahahaha tml is the 2nd last day sure super busy... wear nice nice also will become untidy lol... but anyhw wear sekali gt pilot *angie say de* so hahahah let me think abt it....
Saturday, April 12, 2008
~aNoThEr oRdInaRy dAy~
On the way to westmall, yy & i were sitting in front of this PRC woman... She was speaking at the top of her voice (which is damn deafening) in an unknown language which i'm quite sure its nt chinese, hokkien, cantonese, teochew or khek... super uncivilised... its all part of the nation's TALENT SCOUTING PROCESS coz these TALENTS (some cant even speak proper english) bring along their UNCIVILISED dependents... i'm absolutely not against family reunion but sometimes its just...........................
~2 pairs of earrings...~
~yellow cardigan..~
Well gg back to wk on monday.. 14 Apr... Its 1day before the filing deadline i'm quite sure i'll be SUPER BUSY & SUPER TIRED... haix... may god bless me...
Friday, April 11, 2008
*Scientists have discovered that the lightest thing in the world is a PENIS. This is because it can be lifted up even by a simple thought.... lolx...
~The above are examples of the power of makeup... nt every nice pic means it's been photoshopped... Everyone change for the better as time goes by & its nt being polite to say other's pics have been edited without finding out the truth... It may take 1yr to slim down & maybe another 1yr to improve the complexion & its been at least 2yrs since i last met the irritants.. So irritants u can jolly well ask for a meetup to prove the authentic-ness of the pics posted (which i seriously see no pt in)...
Well i went to school the whole day today... attending devil's training from JAMES KWAN... i was late for sch despite leaving hm 15min earlier then normal.. i reached sch @ abt 12.10pm so ended up sitting beside ming (MY)..... the class was supposed to end at 3pm but guess wad, it ended at 4.55pm.... i cant believe nw still gt lecturers teach for PASSION...
To all users of my tagbox:
Hmmm timmy changed my password & i've completely no access to it till my exams are over.... Hence i removed it altogether hahaha... Partly coz of the increased number of irritants reading my blog lately... if i'm nt wrong some irritants have IP add close to mine & its been banned... hence i'm being banned on my own cbox after replying angie argh...
the last msg on cbox was Tim to Sher: well coz i deleted them.. pp change over time.. wad makes u think a computer idiot can do photoshop?? @ 18.23...
All i can say to those irritants is nobody's perfect & everyone makes errors in some point of their lives.. So pls forget all unhappiness & get on with our lives..
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
~yEah sPree aRRiVed~
~my latest achievement~
Recently love reading... maybe coz been visiting the library to study & reading actually helps to ease the tension of exams haha... its healthier & cheaper then smoking & drinking... well this book is abt a lady called Mrs. Stewart.. She tells fortunes & open an innocent eyes (Harriet) to a world of excitment, passion, adventure & men... However, Harriet finds that following the heart is not easy & the future isnt transparent... =) The book can be found @ woodlands library as i'm returning it soon lol...
~my spree items arrived...~
~the mountain of eye masks...lolx....~ NOT ALL MINE...
Supposed to meet eric for some drinks tonight... but lazy to go down tanjong pagar so decided to nua and rest at home to walk a longer distance... 休息是为了走更长远的路....
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
~tHe fiNaL cOunTdOwn~
~the bedroom view 1~
~bedroom view 2~
~the toilet & accessories...~ so kitty.. SO CUTE~
hah so cute right dear??? *HINTS* but haha i wont be meeting him the whole of this wk at least... coz his tummy sneezing... kaox it took me 10secs to realise what he meant... GASTRIC FLU.. and my exams are super near so i cant afford to get sick...
Monday, April 7, 2008
我是肥但我活得幸福, 快乐。。。
Just remembered a song... 我很丑可是我很温柔 hahaha....
Appearance isnt impt.. What's crucial in the heart... Let go of the past & get on with life... There isnt's a point in bearing grudges & making urself & the people around you unhappy...
To Aina:
Since u dislike me so much, then do not read my blog... FUCK OFF~
There's a limit to everyone's patience & stop changing identity to make it seems like there's alot of people when there's only you... U may disturb me IF it makes u happier but what's the pt??? Yes its for public view, the reason being there's nth to hide... I admit i deleted the comments coz i dont see any constructive comments... In this case i guess u're the one seeking attention by leaving undesirable & DETESTABLE comments... I admit i'm fat so what i'm happy.. Pls leave my blog alone....
Sunday, April 6, 2008
~cRab fEasT~
~XL~ lolx...
Saturday, April 5, 2008
~LiFe is fragiLe~
~the front view of the trolley after half of giant~
~the side view upon checkout... costs abt $270.. unbelievable...~
Next we went to a distant relative's funeral @ yishun... Supposedly this relative shld be some sibling of my grandma but i dun even meet her once a yr... Sometimes i wonder if its only during the 'red & white' matters that we'll see everyone... coz everyone has their own life.. life is short... cherish ur love ones... as usual funeral is boring & i did the norm of attending funerals... PEANUT-ing lolx....
Tml shld be having crab feast @ home... Seriously need a rest from studies & i juz wanna nua now...........
Thursday, April 3, 2008
~Wishful Thinking by Jemmy Harvey~
The story is abt 3gals... trying ways & means to achieve their goals.... hmm i've learnt that when life isnt turning out as planned, we've gt to decide & take charge of our own lives & rapidly discover that when there's a will there'll be a way... but if wishes do come through, it'll never be the way we expect..
Then we decided to head to partyworld to reward ourselves for studying so hard lol.... Guess what, yy chose alot of jay chou's songs & it seems like bringing me back to the last time i went ktv-ing with dear.. lolx... NONE of my frens wanna go singing with him.. =( coz god is fair... hahahahhaha.... God gave him a jay-alike face BUT the diff between jay & dear is that 'MY DEAR CANT SING' alright i know he's gg to kill me when he chanced upon this hahahaha... and i'm nt gg to suffer ktv-ing alone with him so............ we've nt gone together for a long long time hahahah... as i write angeline's voice came to my mind..... as usual god is fair, coz he gave her a beautiful voice hahahahahahhahahahahha..............
~US.. the last time we went ktv together...~
The day u decided to give me your heart, 20072007
I've been buried under your love & care
My mind, heart & soul
Only belong to you
Treasure & Cherish the times we spent together
Happily enjoying every moment shared
Your eyes made me realise that bliss was right in front of me
Suddenly it brought me back to the times we fought over the slightest issue, such as the little things he did which i didnt appreciate... Sorry dear... I shouldnt have took things for granted... Thanks for accomodating everything about me.... muacks.....
Saw this in pehhoon's blog... hahaha... & yea i did what every gal will do.... i hinted him.... and yea he gave me the every guy's response..... -_-''' i dun wanna be centre of attraction & get noticed by traffice police easily.... why cant guys understand its a form of security & a way to show the world how much u love me.... argh.... but thank god he isnt tt bad... he promised me one smaller version if we get married lol.... the smaller version means the numbers will be bigger then words type.. pengz.......
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
< 最美丽的第七天 >
< 最美丽的第七天 >
I've finally finished watching the drama... Its very sweet.... The drama is about 2 couples trying ways and means to get together even if it meant going thru lots of misunderstandings, sickness & other obstacles... although the ending wasnt what i expected but the conclusion is to treasure & cherish your love ones when its still possible.. even when they knew the ending was near, they still cherished the times they spent together & leaving behind beautiful memories... its all about spending quality time together with the special right someone...
Love is something 可遇不可求..... The more u want it the more it doesnt appear... Well everything is fated.... As long as we think that our lives are well spent & live life happily without any regrets, tt'll be good enough....
Today's april fool..... but i'm not gg to fool around anymore.. its time to get serious.... its time to start studying for the coming exams... it's like only 1 mth away........ jiayou jiayou jiayou~~~~