Found something super cute.... ^_^

~thai watermelon... abt the size of my hands only...~
~the normal watermelons vs small melon...~ hahaha..
~dinner time~
~bro's teriyaki chicken & salmon..~
~my steak...~
~currently watching..~
Now @ episode 8... hahaha i'm still studying hard but it's a form of relaxation for the tired brain... Another of the taiwan romance idol drama...
Hmmm i cant seem to remember my INL password (my password to access my office computer)... I've no idea where is my staff pass... I've no idea what to wear to the office tml... hahahaha tml is the 2nd last day sure super busy... wear nice nice also will become untidy lol... but anyhw wear sekali gt pilot *angie say de* so hahahah let me think abt it....