Thanks to everyone tt send me bdae greetings =p
Special thanks to
1. Martin - Countdown to my bdae from 8pm... faints...
2. Daniel - 10.55pm hahahah i think he's tired so he jus sms 1st in case he cant 'tong' till 12mn
(I give u face tdy hor.. lolx u still owe me my bdae present... =p )
3. Dajie Regina - 11.59pm hahahah dajie missed by abit but considered the 1st bah...
4. Timothy - 1200mn..
5. Dearest Turbo Twin Angie Soh - 12.01mn (She mmsed me a bdae song recorded by herself) soooooooooo sweet... If i ever turn lesbian it has to be coz of ANGIE SOH lolx...
6. Katherine - 12.01mn
7. Yingyu - 12.02mn
8. Serene - 12.05mn
9. Peishan - 12.10mn
10. Jeric - 12.12mn
The above is the first 10 hahahhaa.. Of coz not forgetting My family, Collin, Elaine, Aunt YY, Lance (1st time he's soo sweet), Peiwen (the regular 12mn for the past 10yrs chose an auspicious time this yr @ 0916 lolx..), Alvina, Peiyi, Amanda, Siew Geok, Asmah, Peggie, Daphne etc etc etc... Angeline cant win in being the 1st so she requested to be the last @ 10.43pm... lolx....
Thanks soooo much~~~~
Tdy i went to attend my 1st law lesson.. The lecturer talks soooo fast aaarrrggghhh but hmmm i shall still try my best~~ Met Pehhoon & Joanna after class coz they had a booth in SIM selling fake eyelashes so i went to ''disturb'' while waiting for daniel lolx... Pehhoon say Daniel looks ok leh ask me go for it (as if he cfm will like me....) hahahha.. shall let nature takes its course... =p
Finally waited till YY & Alvina finished their MSM lecture hahaha den we finally headed for dinner @ Clementi...
~our dinner...~ normal but delicious... lolx...
Thanks Dajie Regina, Serene, Alvina & YY for the treat...~ Pleasant surprise =p

~my jiemeis...~
I know my hair super messy.. but i went to school since 12pm... & dinner was at 7pm lolx....

~my bdae cake with my family~
Reached home around 930pm & cut cake with my family...
~off to bed... & all ready for the ''PASSION FOR TEACHING'' - JAMES KWAN's management accounting tml morning @ 830am... Thank God i passed his Financial Reporting hahah if nt seeing him twice a wk would probably make me 10kg lighter... =p
Nitex Nitex~~~~