Hmmm went to sentosa after wk to meet my jiemeis for a day of fun-filled activities =p Well i think i overcomed my height phobic lolx.... I spent the night @

~Preparing to go swimming~
In a Heart-shaped pool............................
Woah I cant believe i've swam for straight 3days.. Now my WHOLE BODY is aching..!!
Next up is the scary skyride...~

~Group Shot before the scary ride...~
& the ride begins...................
~I think i'll like vomit on the cabin below if i did that...~

~ I'm surprise i still look pretty despite the tremendous fear of dropping slippers.. lolx~
& they actualli made me go for the ride TWICE...!!! Thank God i'm still alive....

~ Supposed to show the beautiful sunset...!! But the photographer !@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@!
Finally its time for dinner..~~ The skyride made me super hungry....!! hahaa
~The chefs + The Preparers = A Sweet Potato Granite.... hahahhahahahh~
Where am i??? hahaha I'm the photographer cum granite taster =p

~Had soooo much fun *bombing* each other~ hahhaha

~ Hmm played some games with VODKA.. lolx~ I'm sooo many drunk pics nw hahahha
I had soooo much fun, all thanks to my wonderful jiemeis =p
Where am i??? hahaha I'm the photographer cum granite taster =p

~Had soooo much fun *bombing* each other~ hahhaha

~ Hmm played some games with VODKA.. lolx~ I'm sooo many drunk pics nw hahahha
I had soooo much fun, all thanks to my wonderful jiemeis =p