I actually missed bickering with him & having him do weird stunts behind me for the past 3wks (he went for some npcc camps) Singtel is offering free unlimited sms to all providers for students, hence sometimes he'll juz sms me ''hi pls talk to me'' when he's jus 50cm away frm me lolx he's an ass at times....
Today i'm sooo proud of him =p

Are u wondering why his hair look kinda weird???
Ans: Coz its cut by the hands of a future accountant (ME) not hairstylist~ hahahahhah

Can u spot my brother????
Top Row: 6th from the left =)

Mummy, Brother & Daddy~~
I didnt attend hence i'm not in the pic....
*In preparation of the coming competitions & assessments* Off to bed... ZZZzzzZZZ