Hmmm guess what Keith is sweet enough to say he'll accompany me to pay @ RELC tdy but but but hahahha we didnt go together coz i didnt wanna wake up soooo early on an ''off'' day =p Sometimes he's sweet but 5/6 of the time he'll still bully me... =(
Oh yea i left out an Xmas Present from my Daddy & Mummy =)

My New Sunglasses =p
Wondering why isit soooo big???
Ans: Coz water is reflective & I need to protect my eyes =p

♥ Me, Myself & I ♥ on 5th Jan 2009....
End of holiday mood... It's back to working on projects & assignments =(
I'm gg to start on my additional 31 Mgmt Accounting questions & my 5,500 words essay...!!
May God Bless Me...~ & I'm super looking forward to Chinese New Year~~
I'm gg to start on my additional 31 Mgmt Accounting questions & my 5,500 words essay...!!
May God Bless Me...~ & I'm super looking forward to Chinese New Year~~