Sudden ♥ for baking arises from my new microwave with the ability to bake~~~!!!
& i found this super duper cute cookie recipe from
Happy Home Baking~~

~~Soooooo pretty~~
But i know i do not have talent lolx....
Pics credit to: Happy Home Baking~~
Tdy went breakfast @ cwp swensens with Aunt yy & family~~ Ended up grocery shopping @ Cold Storage.... hahahhah we bought some brownie & cookie stuffs hoping to try out the new microwave oven~~ & we did....

~The 1st attempt (Though its flattened & looks more like biscuits but it taste alright)~
& I'm gg to try again on friday....!!!!!
I'm gg to bring some for Angie's tea break tml~~~ lolx dun worry she'll be fine!!!