EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER...!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~
(Hate exams to the core & thank god it's only once a year affair....)
Started new job tdy......!!~~ So far so boring...... Aarrgghh..... Too boring till i'm sooo tired.... I'm currently experiencing no life syndrome & think it's gg to last at least for 2weeks... Coz i'm gg to wake up at 6am & reach home 7.30pm..... tmd & when i'm experiencing ultimate emo-ness disgusting things happen... -_-'''
Disgusting 1:

Left: NUS student staring at a bread, deciding whether to go against the rules...
Right: Fark care la too hungry...
Reason for disgust: he is eating on the bus (when he's not supposed to) at a damn peak hour, & he's eating right in front of a hungry person....
Holidays planning in progress.....!!~~ Went Chinatown with Alvina after my disastrous management a/cing paper to check out the tour packages & price... & i think its either Bintan/ KL & Genting... Most probably from 12-14June... & i think mummy is keen on Batam so i think she's planning 15-17June... lolx so i'm prob gg away from 12-17June sooo cool =p
Started new job tdy......!!~~ So far so boring...... Aarrgghh..... Too boring till i'm sooo tired.... I'm currently experiencing no life syndrome & think it's gg to last at least for 2weeks... Coz i'm gg to wake up at 6am & reach home 7.30pm..... tmd & when i'm experiencing ultimate emo-ness disgusting things happen... -_-'''
Disgusting 1:

Left: NUS student staring at a bread, deciding whether to go against the rules...
Right: Fark care la too hungry...
Reason for disgust: he is eating on the bus (when he's not supposed to) at a damn peak hour, & he's eating right in front of a hungry person....
Disgusting 2:
A damn gross CHINA WOMAN was uSing the damn slang ENGLAND to talk to an indian man...She talk soooOooo loudly la & wonders why her ENGLAND was sooo many *F* eg: bURfFDae (Birthday) DeoRtioOn (Direction) fOam (Firm) & Pek (Bag) tmd cannot speak den dun talk la irritate my ears for nothing aarrgghh...!!~~
I'm gg to develop a early sleep early wake up lifestyle.... Good Night....!!~~
A damn gross CHINA WOMAN was uSing the damn slang ENGLAND to talk to an indian man...She talk soooOooo loudly la & wonders why her ENGLAND was sooo many *F* eg: bURfFDae (Birthday) DeoRtioOn (Direction) fOam (Firm) & Pek (Bag) tmd cannot speak den dun talk la irritate my ears for nothing aarrgghh...!!~~
I'm gg to develop a early sleep early wake up lifestyle.... Good Night....!!~~