Everything you'll require for brownies =)

Left: Brownie Mix
Right: Brownie Mix + Eggs

Left: Brownie Mix + Eggs + Oil + Water... Semi-blended
Right: Fully Blended & ready to enter the oven to become tasty brownie =p

Blended & placed in baking trays =p
20mins later.... it'll turn into tasty brownies lolx.... Yum yum...!!~

Left: For my family... Otherwise they are going to say i'm bias again... Always bake for others only hahahh so today i shall put the big one at home =)
Right: 2pcs for deardear, 1 for mouseketeer elaine & 1 for mouseketeer pw =p
Dun see it not pretty it actually taste not bad lo hahahahha....
To be continued...... With their expressions tmr =p
Off to meet deardear soon...... & meeting the gals for dinner tonight.....
Byebye ^^