I went to work in my new bonitochico's embellished dress...^^
I really like the beans design =)
First reason to be happy is coz of my first approved loan ^^ & boss praised me.. lolx i'm sooo excited & happy... Hopefully a great october with great sales figure...!!~Secondly is the mthly versary with deardear is coming again...!!~ & today we went to celebrate in advance for M Hotel's buffet dinner...

*The Semi Buffet*

*The main course we chose*
Left: Steak & Right: Pork Ribs

& last but not least it's their desserts....^^It's only part of it coz we were too full...!!~

♥ Us ♥ as at 29 Sept 2009 @ M Hotel
Tml will be another buffet @ Suntec with the Jiemeis for yy's advance bdae celebrations..^^ Friday would prob be E*****'s B**********'s P****
Sat will be steamboat at home with my family + deardear for mid autumn festival & Sunday will be manicure time with my mouseketeers...!!~
Woah i'm damn tired & busy =(
Byebye...!~ Night^^