First of all i'll like to wish all my indian friends a ''HAPPY DEEPAVALI'' =)
I went to sign a letter of offer on a public holiday -_-''' but nvm case 4 down 3 more to go yippee... Commissions wait for me.................!!~~ I'll bring my whole family + angie + deardear to KuishinBo Buffet if i can get my commissions in November so wish me luck^^
Today after signing the LO, i went to deardear hse & make sushi...!!~

My first attempt... sui bo?? hahahha...
deardear's mom is super pro lo faints but lucky nobody can identify the uglier ones lolx means i'm a semi-pro too lolx...

♥ US ♥ & Our Sushi...^^
Ok thats all for today.... =) I'm turbo tired & i'm gg to resume swimming tmr...
Good Night...!!~~ ZzZzzZZZZzzzZzzzZzz