My deardear just removed his wisdom tooth hence this pic was taken prior to the actual day... & I'm actually enjoying myself cooking his dinner for the past few days =p It's pure happiness seeing him chewing happily on a dinner cooked by *ME* =p

♥ Us ♥ @ Bugis

A new wallet + wristlet for the new year =p Yippee~
♥ My Mthly Versary Present + Xmas Present from my deardear ♥
Yes that's how big his card is lolx =p
Hmmm i forgot to take pics of what i gave him =( Coz i was too busy with work + cooking his dinner for the past week aArRgghh -_-'''
Anyway i bought him my favourite scent lolx Davidoff Cool Water Perfume + as usual a pretty anniversary card =) Loving my deardear lots... ^_^
Thanks deardear for accomodating & giving me happiness ever since the day =)
I'm tired now -_-''' & tmr will be the Singpost aka Silly People's Club's gathering @ Partyworld (after a ROADSHOW) It's boring to be working on a saturday =(
Good Night pplx =)
Anyway i bought him my favourite scent lolx Davidoff Cool Water Perfume + as usual a pretty anniversary card =) Loving my deardear lots... ^_^
Thanks deardear for accomodating & giving me happiness ever since the day =)
I'm tired now -_-''' & tmr will be the Singpost aka Silly People's Club's gathering @ Partyworld (after a ROADSHOW) It's boring to be working on a saturday =(
Good Night pplx =)