21 Dec 2009
We went to Mt Daisetsuzan after breakfast.. The gorge contains lots of waterfalls. Which, the Ryusei-no-taki falls and Ginga-no-taki falls are espzecially magnificent and worth seeing... Then we went to Ski resort & experienced various snow activities which we nv will have the chance in singapore such as snow tubing and snow rafting!!~

*My Happy Family* @ Mt Daisetsuzan
Japan's view is really super cool =)
Would love to visit it again... Maybe during the Sakura season!!~~
This snow mobile thingy is damn expensive.. Cost 10,000yen for 1hour = SGD$160 -_-'''
There's other snow activity pics uploaded into facebook =)
We spent the night @ Hotel Mount Racey =) The snow there is woah power...!!~ Temperature was minus 7 degrees celcius & that also means damn cold.... Luckily mummy made everyone well equipped & kept us warm throughout the trip...
The hotel's crabs are woah superb... Much better then Kuishinbo's hhahaha but Kuishinbo's also not bad... =) & Last but not least......
The hotel's crabs are woah superb... Much better then Kuishinbo's hhahaha but Kuishinbo's also not bad... =) & Last but not least......

The hotel's famous melon bun that cost SGD $1.60 & still have to SNATCH -_-'''
Taste wise hmm better then singapore but not worth snatching...!!
I promise i shall finish blogging Japan SOON...~~
But for now i'm going to bed lolx night everyone... =)