CNY Day 1 cum Vday was spent visiting relatives & playing wii with bro & deardear @ uncle's hse lolx what a boring Vday lo but still.......... as long as it's spent with my deardear everyday also can be considered Vday ^_^

Left: ♥ Forever (Credits to my iphone) lolx
Right: The photo frame that i'm insisting to be by the bedside^^

Left: New soft toys to add to my collection from my deardear on Vday with my bling bling iphone casing...!!~~ (Joanna finally i'm blogging it lolx) chio right??
Right: A clearer version of my iphone case =) So in love with bling casing & thinking of getting more more more.........!!!!!!!!~~~~~
Last but not least......... Happy Tiger Year to all ^^