Woah i'm finally at my last bdae post =) Last weekend was spent with my family & deardear @ Aloha Loyang... I've no idea why I love chalets & BBQs sooo much lolx... Maybe cox mummy marinates sibei nice chicken wings =p
♥ My love for BBQ food ♥

♥ My Bdae Cake with my love ♥
& let me introduce my first 24th bdae present from deardear on 16 Sept @ 12mn SHARP^^

♥ My new wallet ♥

♥ I super heart my new wallet =p ♥
This sat will be celebrating Peiwen's bdae =p
BUT it's my SAT DUTY day aarrrgghh!!!~~
6 days work week is going to make me a very dull & lifeless girl -_-''''
Alright i'm off to bed... Night^^