Hmmm today's my mummy's bdae.. 2nd bdae celebration at home this mth.. Next sat will be my grandma's bdae.. lolx.. cool right... once every 2wks.. but after 7june we'll be deprived from cake for 2mths till MY BIRTHDAY.. lolx... guess what's her bdae present?? I WANTED to knit a vest / sweater for our probable japan trip this year end BUT BUT BUT its DAMN TOUGH.. and i fell aslp after doing 10cm.. hence i made somethin simplier & more practical lolx...

its a HANDMADE hp pouch..
isit it just SSSOOOOO SWEET???? hahaha... i've always liked handmade pressies coz its more sincere this way.. suddenly i'm reminded of my FIVE handmade presents =p shall write abt them when i have the inspirations.. hmm my upcoming bdae do flood me with HANDMADE pressies.. i'll be very touched.. lolx...