Wednesday, May 7, 2008

~sTressEd uP mODe...~

Tml (which is 1hr away from now) would be my 1st paper.... & its the ever soooo irritating subject that gets on my nerves each & every time i open my notes.... ECONOMICS... god damn i've no idea why UOL made us study ECONS & MATHS when i'm doing a Bsc in A/cing... AAARRRGGGHHHH~~~

I've finished like revising 2x (selective topics)... & did like 2 past year exam papers.. but i'm still nt confident....hoping to get over exams as soon as possible... then i can rest my brain for another yr... 15days to freedom... may god bless me...........~~~

我已经尽力了。。。 无怨无悔。。。。 hahahhaha....