Battled 176 people in 18hrs............... this morning alone angie & i fought china & india.... argh.......... but thankfully my colleagues are all super happening coz we'll juz crowd at solomon's island / collin's province to GOSSIP after 5pm to discuss scandals & create new scandals...lolx... tdy's topic was SQline's XXX act) hahahahahax............ suddenly i'm reminded of solomon's stick tongue act............... bth......
alright hmmm monday angie was sitting beside me..... and i was trying very hard to explain tax matters to this bangla..... after 5tries i talked abit louder hahahhaha den guess wad my dearest angie did????? she sent me a msg using our ''internal msn'' tt reads....
''shut up la.. so noisy.. BOSS ur head...''

~even the underpass seems eerie without angie...~ lolx....
and the window jus popped out........ damn....... i read..... and i couldnt control & burst out laughing..... her motive is to distract me so that she's able to win in productivitity hahahaha... but i rather let her win hahahah coz without her................. life is sooooooooooooo quiet...... lolx.....

~even the underpass seems eerie without angie...~ lolx....
i'm suffering frm serious body ache & tiredness.... but i'm looking forward to my HOLIDAYS to genting this friday...~~ yeah.........