Hmmm went to wk with Winston for the past 2days.... Situation seems kinda weird coz he disappeared after we decided to stay as friends.... Sometimes i wonder if platonic friendship can really exist coz normally guys act based on motives... but.................. angeline & alex seems able.... angie & JH too (at least tts wad angie claims despite the super scandals) hahahhaha....
hmm past 2days... doing the turbo boring backend job for PTP....... wah liew all i did was clear memos.......... why cant they do it on the spot....... damn inefficient~~~~~~~ argh..... ytd i realise the power of ''SUPERSONIC TCO'' hahaahhaha the waiting time went up to 33min...... but once the ''turbo twin'' started to help we managed to clear the queue in 20min... hahaha i love being effcient lolx......... opps seems kinda thick-skinned lolx....
Next Up.... Enough of clothes for the time being.... Shall start to bring in bags.......... lolx....

lolx if anyone has any orders can feel free to email the orders to my fren @ or let me know via msn.... hahaha curious why i'm nt the one consolidating this time??? the reason is................................................................................................................................... MY CHINESE SUX............ (shaohui shld be laughing now...) argh....
*the final countdown.... 5days... to govt's subsidy of my bags.....* hahahhaa
*the final countdown.... 5days... to govt's subsidy of my bags.....* hahahhaa