Envy is a kinda feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions...
Overly Ambitious would be an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment...
Based on the above definitions lolx I still have no idea whether I'm jealous, envious or i simply juz want to win... All along i have this tendency of ''wanting to win in everything'' which in life is simply impossible to be good in everything...
Hmmm I've no idea whether I'm juz enjoying his companion / whatever is it... But whenever !@#$%^&* fights with me over him i'll feel sooooo HOT inside.... Even when i know based on criterias like age, looks, education, family etc etc i'm way better (alright there's ONE thing i lose) & its XXX (angie knows) hahahhaha... Its soooo fun to simply make !@#$%^&* jealous lolx sometimes i know i'm just super mean..... The fact tt she changed the tagline to ''my hubby'', ''loving K forever'' aaarrgghhh wtf they haven even met.... aarrgghhh!!!!!! Wah liew why are there pp tt are so into virtual relationships?? Isit so proud to have 1500++++ frens?? (3/4 nv even met type) Aaarrrggghhh!!!!
Enough of bitchin!!!!! lolx Angie can u draw me a turtle pls.... hahhahahhaha

~3min after i published the post, angie sent me on msn...~ hahahhaa
Now i'm waitin for the chance to print it out so that i can *&^%$#@!@#$%^&* hahahhahahahh
~3min after i published the post, angie sent me on msn...~ hahahhaa
Now i'm waitin for the chance to print it out so that i can *&^%$#@!@#$%^&* hahahhahahahh
My Forever21 arrived ytd... I came home super tired after a killing session of Mgmt Accounting & Marketing... Thankfully there's still some excitement in life... lolx...