Wednesdays are the worst days of the wk coz 830am is my ''FAVOURITE'' Mgmt Accounting class...... JAMES KWAN will kill all my available brain cells by 10am.... He loves to scare students by giving the toughest questions & exaggerating how tough exams can be... =( Today he spent 20min just analysing the pass rate of Mgmt Accounting which is 75% (1/4 will fail) Wah all i can say is i've been gd lolx i did all his tutorial (SO FAR) hahha & hopefully everythin will go well coz i seriously do not wish to see him again next year lolx so pls pray for me....

~ytd was in a mood for acting cute lolx..~ tts the before & after sch difference hahah
Left: excited for LBO.. Right: Killed by LBO... hahahhaa
Oh yea my dearest angie recently is causing me to fall in love with the cutest panties lolx... Our new love would be from Aerie lolx.... Forever21's cutest panties have been conquered lolx....

~soooooooo cute right....~ lolx..... This are jus examples lolx there are cuter ones...
*Imagine a sweet & cute ass hahaahahha opps....*
Other then cute panties, we even discuss on our bathing times - like who bath later lolx sooo funny (we'll comment on the 'smell' though we cant even smell each other) Hmmm stuffs cork in the ass to stop farting hor angie??? hahhahahha... Seriously she's soooo cute till talkin to her will terminate all emo feelings hahahhah so lesbian OMG~~~ Fate is something soooo weird, I cant even remember when it all began but before i realise i already love her (as a bestbud) soooo much lolx... OMG *shys* hahahhaha...
Tml shall be chocos day...!!! Friday would be meeting Hanyuan... Sunday would be shopping day with my jiemeis / Jeric's bdae @ Sentosa... Hmmm why everythin on sunday =( Next wed would be Vivo with Keith to find 'whales' lolx... FINALLY~~~~~ hahhaha !@#$%^&* will go crazier & even more depressed.... oppps my meanie traits showing lolx....