Met up with Pehhoon & Joanna at Jurong Point (I cant even rmbr when was the last time i went there) Hmm as Pehhoon wanted to do medi, she brought us to a ulu part of jurong for super cheap medi & pedi lolx... A Classic pedi costs onli $15.80... Shopping with them makes me feel i'm nt really a shopping queen after all lolx.. & finally i manage to eat xiaolongbao... Piang eh craved for it since last wkend...
~Me & Pehhoon showing her newly done medicure~

~Joanna & Me~

~Part of our dinner...~ As usual hunger = no pics lolx.. & it's XIAOLONGBAO!!! hahaha
Thanks Joanna for the treat lolx.... =)

~Taking a rest @ mac...~ She's just soo cute right?? She's MARRIED hahahha..

~We are having the same cosmetic bag in diff colours...~
Mine's yellow... Joanna gave in to me lolx...
Woah now i'm tired... lolx off to bed for another long day tml... =)