Friday, November 14, 2008

~ finaLLy it's Friday..~

WOah finally it's friday... =) Tdy went for sakae buffet dinner with my family to celebrate the end of the GCE 'O' Levels for my little bro... Woah he cheated my feelings, say can eat 20++ plates but he surrendered after the 12th... He's an ass at times... lolx....

~Mummy & *ME*~
Mummy next time dun take pic with mouth full... Not pretty lolx...
9/10 people say we look alike... the 10th is my dad lolx..... =p

~ Us with our pretty grandma...~
Guess her age??? Nobody is gg to believe she's 74....
The sakae staff needed a 2nd look to confirm she's senior citizen.. wtf!!!

Now let me introduce my ''food'' for the month of November... Coz of it i'm gg to have grass =(

~My ♥ for Lotree~
Lotree has the BEST BB CREAM & loose power =p
Why isit the best??? Coz they have excellent oil control, excellent coverage & best of all they have moisturising & sunblock function....~~~
Disadvantage: It's F**KING EXPENSIVE..... =(

Oh yea my dearest angie sent me an sms tdy.... The sms goes like
妈妈问他为何, 他回答:上帝刚帮我照相~所以我要笑啊。。。
Then i forwarded it to my frens....Guess what Hanyuan replied: ''then u must have lots of collection with the god'' Faints... when i told him i din smile during lightning he said ''but u posed'' kaox eh i was eating my sushi almost 喷 all out at my bro's face hahah lucky i powerful enough can control eh..... lolx... =p

& Now i'm gg to bed.... Sooooo excited abt more trainings tml (Trainings will make me slim).....
I love the sun (tanned gals look sporty & healthy).... I love the chlorine (it makes me smell healthy) & I love the pool...... =p